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CERN Accelerating science

Inelastic Boosted Dark Matter at Direct Detection Experiments - Giudice, Gian F. et al - arXiv:1712.07126CERN-TH-2017-258EFI-17-24
The ordinary boosted DM (upper part) and iBDM (lower part) scenarios with the relevant DM-signal processes under consideration.
Predicted energy spectra of the primary (upper-left panel) and secondary (upper-right panel) $e^-$ and/or $e^+$ for four reference points, whose parameters are tabulated in the lower panel. Here $g_{12}$ is set to unity and all mass quantities are in MeV.
Predicted energy spectra of the primary (upper-left panel) and secondary (upper-right panel) $e^-$ and/or $e^+$ for four reference points, whose parameters are tabulated in the lower panel. Here $g_{12}$ is set to unity and all mass quantities are in MeV.
Laboratory-frame decay length of $\chi_2$ (in units of cm) in the $m_X$--$\delta m$ plane for $g_{12}=1$, $\epsilon = 10^{-3}$, $\gamma_2=10$. The dashed lines represent the maximum allowed $\delta m$ for given $m_1$ and $E_1=150$ MeV.
Stopping power (left panel) and travel length (right panel) for electrons in LXe and LAr detectors as a function of the electron energy, based on data available in~\cite{NIST}, for densities of LXe and LAr of 3 g/cm$^3$ and 1.5 g/cm$^3$.
Stopping power (left panel) and travel length (right panel) for electrons in LXe and LAr detectors as a function of the electron energy, based on data available in~\cite{NIST}, for densities of LXe and LAr of 3 g/cm$^3$ and 1.5 g/cm$^3$.
Top: Experimental sensitivities in the $\ell_{\textrm{lab}}^{\max}$--$\sigma \mathcal{F}$ plane at XENON1T-34.2days~\cite{Aprile:2017iyp}, XENON1T-1yr, XENON1T-5yr, DEAP-3600-4.44days~\cite{Amaudruz:2017ekt}, DEAP-3600-1yr, DEAP-3600-5yr, LZ-1yr, and LZ-5yr under zero-background assumption, for the case of displaced secondary vertices. Bottom: Experimental sensitivities in the $E_1$--$\sigma$ plane for the case of prompt decays. We take $\langle \sigma v \rangle_{0\rightarrow 1} = 5\times 10^{-26}$ cm$^3$s$^{-1}$ to evaluate the $\chi_1$ flux from Eq.~(\ref{eq:flux}). The four symbols $\times$, $+$, $*$, $\bullet$ locate our reference points ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, respectively (with grey symbols for the case of scalar DM). The green/orange solid/dashed lines show the predictions of fermion/scalar DM with ref1/ref2 mass spectra and varying $\epsilon$.
Top: Experimental sensitivities in the $\ell_{\textrm{lab}}^{\max}$--$\sigma \mathcal{F}$ plane at XENON1T-34.2days~\cite{Aprile:2017iyp}, XENON1T-1yr, XENON1T-5yr, DEAP-3600-4.44days~\cite{Amaudruz:2017ekt}, DEAP-3600-1yr, DEAP-3600-5yr, LZ-1yr, and LZ-5yr under zero-background assumption, for the case of displaced secondary vertices. Bottom: Experimental sensitivities in the $E_1$--$\sigma$ plane for the case of prompt decays. We take $\langle \sigma v \rangle_{0\rightarrow 1} = 5\times 10^{-26}$ cm$^3$s$^{-1}$ to evaluate the $\chi_1$ flux from Eq.~(\ref{eq:flux}). The four symbols $\times$, $+$, $*$, $\bullet$ locate our reference points ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, respectively (with grey symbols for the case of scalar DM). The green/orange solid/dashed lines show the predictions of fermion/scalar DM with ref1/ref2 mass spectra and varying $\epsilon$.
Experimental reach at various experiments in the $m_X$--$\epsilon$ plane for the case in which the dark photon $X$ decays visibly (top panels) or invisibly (bottom panels). The grey regions show the currently excluded parameter space, as reported in Refs.~\cite{Essig:2013lka} (top panels) and \cite{Banerjee:2017hhz} (bottom panels). The left panels show the results of elastic scattering at different experiments, while in the right panels we compare cases of elastic ($\delta m =0$) and inelastic ($\delta m \ne 0$) scattering.
Experimental reach at various experiments in the $m_X$--$\epsilon$ plane for the case in which the dark photon $X$ decays visibly (top panels) or invisibly (bottom panels). The grey regions show the currently excluded parameter space, as reported in Refs.~\cite{Essig:2013lka} (top panels) and \cite{Banerjee:2017hhz} (bottom panels). The left panels show the results of elastic scattering at different experiments, while in the right panels we compare cases of elastic ($\delta m =0$) and inelastic ($\delta m \ne 0$) scattering.
Experimental reach at various experiments in the $m_X$--$\epsilon$ plane for the case in which the dark photon $X$ decays visibly (top panels) or invisibly (bottom panels). The grey regions show the currently excluded parameter space, as reported in Refs.~\cite{Essig:2013lka} (top panels) and \cite{Banerjee:2017hhz} (bottom panels). The left panels show the results of elastic scattering at different experiments, while in the right panels we compare cases of elastic ($\delta m =0$) and inelastic ($\delta m \ne 0$) scattering.
Experimental reach at various experiments in the $m_X$--$\epsilon$ plane for the case in which the dark photon $X$ decays visibly (top panels) or invisibly (bottom panels). The grey regions show the currently excluded parameter space, as reported in Refs.~\cite{Essig:2013lka} (top panels) and \cite{Banerjee:2017hhz} (bottom panels). The left panels show the results of elastic scattering at different experiments, while in the right panels we compare cases of elastic ($\delta m =0$) and inelastic ($\delta m \ne 0$) scattering.