Cold capellini with truffle oil

Easy and flavourful dish. Always a crowd pleaser. You can make it simple with just 5 ingredients (Truffle oil, olive oil, Shio Kombu, Tobiko and Capellini or Angel hair) or fancy it up with caviar, truffle slices.

Would be awesome to have it cold and refreshing.


80g Capellini or Angel hair pasta
20g Japanese shio (salted) kombu
20g Long Chives
10g Black truffle (optional)
20g Truffle oil
30g Tobiko
24g Caviar (optional)
Fresh black pepper to taste


1. Finely slice chives and Japanese shio kombu.

2. In a mixing bowl, mix the finely sliced chives and Japanese shio kombu together with the truffle oil, olive oil and Tobiko

3. In a large pot, cook the pasta as per packaging. Careful not to overcook the pasta. Around 2mins

4. When the pasta is al dente, remove it from the pot and plunge it into a bowl of ice-cold water till it is cold.

5. Toss the cold pasta together with the mixture of finely sliced ingredients and truffle oil.

6. Divide equally into 4 portions.

7. Garnish each serving of pasta with Caviar, Truffle slices, and Japanese chives.

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