Dedis Cremlebi
plant a tree of peace
United Way advances the common good in communities across the world. Our focus is on education, income and health—the building blocks for a good quality of life
Dedis Cremlebi
plant a tree of peace
United Way advances the common good in communities across the world. Our focus is on education, income and health—the building blocks for a good quality of life
Dedis Cremlebi
plant a tree of peace
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About Us

Help is Our Main Goal

We, the “Mother’s Tears” company, consider it necessary to create a large memorial complex on the territory of Georgia, as a place of memory for present generations about the events of the last century that changed the course of world history. The “Mother’s Tears” memorial is a powerful and long-term guarantor of the unforgettableness of those values that modern Europe and the entire civilized world live by. This is not only a symbolic, but also a deeply pragmatic act, because the memorial complex of global significance will be one of the mechanisms of continuity for many future generations. From generation to generation, the values of freedom and democracy, the freedom of the individual and the understanding of the price at which they went to the world, will be revived again and again in those who make a pilgrimage…

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People we helped in 2022
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Money we raised
Trees we planted

My Story

Truly, there are no winners in war. Among the losers are all participants who gave their lives in the name of the personal ambitions of villains and provocateurs, regardless of country and religion.

Each fallen soldier who believed in his good intentions to protect his fatherland and future generations of his people (which, unfortunately, was far from always true), left behind oceans of sorrow for his loved ones – mothers, sisters, lovers. Many of them did not even deserve their own grave, taking with them the tears of their mothers, including Georgian mothers, who have always been responsive to the grief of the mothers of the opposing side.

What We do

We do it for all veterans

Medicine Help

Sea chub demoiselle whalefish zebra lionfish mud cat pelican eel. Minnow snoek icefish velvet-belly

We Build and Create

Midshipman dartfish Modoc sucker, yellowtail kingfish basslet. Buri chimaera triplespine northern sea

Water Delivery

Sharksucker sea toad candiru rocket danio tilefish stingray deepwater stingray Sacramento

We Care About

Canthigaster rostrata. Midshipman dartfish. Sharksucker sea toad candiru rocket danio tilefish stingra

What We do

What's Our mission

The Second World War divided the history of mankind into BEFORE and AFTER. It was a tragic and at the same time the greatest event in its significance. It gave rise to modern global civilization on the ruins of colonialism.

What's new

Dedis Cremlebi's News


Happy Ending

Sharksucker sea toad candiru rocket danio tilefish stingray deepwater stingray Sacramento splittail, Canthigaster rostrata. Midshipman dartfish Modoc sucker, yellowtail


Who Help Us

Appeal to the International Community

Dear friends!

We have to be contemporaries of extremely dramatic, perhaps the most dramatic events in the history of the Earth. The world is on the verge of a catastrophe, both civilizational and environmental. There is not a single region of the world left that would not be affected by the current cataclysms – wars, the threat of the use of nuclear weapons, epidemics, natural disasters. Right now, more than ever, global civilization needs examples of humanism and the unity of the bright, progressive forces of all humanity.

It is for this purpose that the Mother’s Tears charitable foundation is implementing a project to build a network of memorials “Abode of Heroes” both throughout Georgia and in the future throughout the world. The duty of every democratic country is to support and fully facilitate the implementation of this project, designed to become the banner of world peace, global political and environmental security.

We invite you, friends, to become part of the ‘Abode of Heroes’ project! It is impossible to stand aside at this moment in history, because the fate of future generations is at stake!