Misha Mshvildadze, one of the founders of Formula TV, says he was attacked

28.06.23 12:00

Misha Mshvildadze, one of the founders of Formula TV company, has been attacked.


According to Formula TV, the attack took place at the entrance of one of the shopping centers.


"An unknown person attacked me at the entrance of Carrefour. I was wearing headphones, I didn't even hear him calling me anything before. I just passed by, two people were standing, I suspect that one of them chased me and punched me in the face right at the entrance. Then I fell on the stairs, I couldn't get up, and he tried to hit me from behind.


There is a camera at the entrance. There must be cameras in the supermarket inside as well... they probably ran away because then the security arrived. It lasted about 15-20 seconds. When I heard a shout, I took off the headphones, he mentioned the patriarch, "How do you curse the patriarch", or something like that", Mshvildadze said on Formula.




source: IPN 

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