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Traki L. Taylor

Traki L. Taylor

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Traki L. Taylor

Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Frostburg State University

What product or service do you and your company provide?

As the provost and vice president for academic affairs at Frostburg State University, I have oversight of faculty and areas such as enrollment management, admissions, registrar, international education, assessment and institutional research, graduate education, online learning, the honors program and more. I manage the academic affairs budget, which is more than $5 million. Additionally, I have a leading role in the strategic planning process and work with programs on regional and national recognition through accreditation and reaffirmation.

Professionally, what do you consider your most significant accomplishment to be?

Leading an institution to and through an accreditation reaffirmation when they were in danger of having an unsuccessful experience, while working through six administrative turnovers during the preparation process, negotiating for ample resources, lifting faculty morale, encouraging administrative buy-in and remaining active in the higher education community is among my most significant accomplishments.

This is an honoree profile from The Daily Record's Top 100 Women awards. Information for this profile was sourced from the honoree's application for the award.

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