Victoria Monet’s Blonde Era Might Be Our Favorite

With Monet's new music came a new look, and we're loving it. 
headshot of victoria monet with an updo and orange eye makeup
Getty Images

On February 27, Victoria Monet announced her return to the music world by teasing her single, Smoke, which was then released on March 24. The drop was our official sign that Jaguar II, her second album, would be on the way. This new era of music is also sparking a change in her look — abandoning her brunette roots, the singer-songwriter has been living her best life as a blonde

Monet posted a selfie of herself with straight platinum-blonde hair on April 6. Given her radiant glow, the photo was probably snapped during golden hour — that period when the sunlight provides the best lighting for a photo. At her crown, you can see a sliver of darker roots that fade perfectly into the much lighter blonde hue. 

Her platinum-blonde strands looked like they had been freshly straightened. It's a mystery as to how long this unit is because the very ends were outside of the phone frame; we're guessing the longest pieces are waist-length. 

This hair looked stunning on her, of course, but we also couldn't get enough of her face. We're pretty sure Monet was wearing a face full of makeup with an orange blush on the cheeks and a matte brown shadow on her eyes. Her wispy lashes could be lash extensions or a good pair of falsies. A seemingly sheer gloss coated her lips. 

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If you're unfamiliar with Monet, she doesn't often switch up her hair color. In fact, it wasn't until she dropped the promo photos for Smoke that we saw her with a color other than brown. And we have a good feeling that blonde hair is a defining part of Jaquar II, so this won't be the last time we see her with the lighter strands.

Read more stories about hair color:

Now watch cosmetic chemist Javon Ford guess the difference between expensive and cheap eye shadows: 

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