
Tavreli on с



Timothey_Rassolov написал:

Hello. on this forum I wrote:
"Hello. On a forum called "What don't you like about" I wrote: "Hello. Your site is perfect, but I would advise your company to create a site for playing tavreli (as Lichess created a site for playing shogi" Lishogi), or at least create this game in the "variants" section. I am sure that a separate site for this game will be of interest to a huge number of people and will be as popular as “” Of course, there is a site, but it is forgotten, and no one goes there . I would really like this interesting game to become popular, and you can do it thanks to the new site from your company".

I almost immediately received an answer from "chesscomRU": "Variants of are growing very actively. New ones appear literally every week. It makes sense to discuss Tavreli on the club's forum".

Please tell me if I'm going there.
Thank you. Goodbye (is a translated version from".

I almost immediately received an answer from "HighEldar":

"This is more something for the variants club friend:

but yes, some of us are hoping to bring other "Turn-based-strategy" games into

In this post I suggested Checkers, Reversi and Go - but ofc there are many others:".

Please tell me if I'm applying there. If not, please help me convey my request to the person I need to contact.

Thanks. Goodbye.


Yes, we know about Tavreli. But it is very time consuming to implement this variant, because of the "pieces are stackable" rule.

This image is from



Rules of the game in tavreli.


Timothey_Rassolov, I would love to see Tavreli implemented in the future. I am discovering it and it is a fantastic game! It is turning out to be one of my favourite regional chess variants. So far I could only find an android app to play with made by Goran. It has an AI to play with. Here you can see more info about it:

If you happen to have more info about Tavreli or any additional literature in english, I would love to know. There are still too few info available.




It was held recently today a championship of russian chess Tavreli for young boys and girls ( Very interesting to see. I hope this form of historical chess to  be more well known in the future. It is a very dynamic, fast and tactical form of chess. 


I would like to comment on this "Tavreli" variant. I have learned about its existence around 2016. To me it seemed very suspicious that despite the claims of some Russian players that this is "ancient Russian chess" , no one seems to have heard about this "ancient Russian" game. My suspicions turned out to have been not without substance.

First of all, this game is promoted in some regions of Russia as an alternative to International Chess (that is what our standard chess is called). Ok. No problem. A variant of chess. If kids like it what could be wrong with that.

Turns out that this game is promoted by, and is popular among the Russian far right slavophiles. The type of slavophiles who are usually right wing nationalists. THere are even some videos on youtube where a Russian person is talking about this game.

The problem is that the claim that this is "ancient Russian chess" is a total fabrication. There is absolutely no such game anywhere in "ancient Russia". It was invented by a right wing nationalist, and an Orthodox fundamentalist German Sterligov.

Anybody can find more information about him online on their own. Basically he is , how could I carefully describe him, he is VERY right wing. He even ran for president in 2004 but barely received any votes.

This person German Sterligov (also spelled Sterligoff) is credited with the invention of this Tavreli game in the mid 1990s. Other people are also credited on some sites, but he was the main initiator and I think he holds the patent to the game.

One of the biggest problems is the very unethical and immoral way Sterligov and others created a fictional story about how this game "Tavreli" allegedly was played in ancient Russia (it is claimed that it was played more than 2000 years ago, which is another red flag). They not only made up the rules which allegedly were used to play this game but also made very big claims how this version of Chess is "more humane" and "more ethical" because, allegedly, the pieces stacking on each other and combining their power meant that "ancient Russians" did not kill their prisoners. You get the idea. They also named the pieces with various old slavic names for different officials and military units.

Besides promoting the game on the false pretext that it is "ancient Russian chess", such claims also essentially deny the current, widely accepted, history of chess. It is not as if the history of chess is entirely known, or that there are no disagreements as to where it originated. But the overall history is well known. The version of history presented by promoters of Tavreli rejects this known history in favor of the story they fabricated.

There actually are some archaeological findings with something resembling the pieces played in this game, with some runes on them. But that is the extent of these findings. There is absolutely no evidence of any kind that it was a game, or the rules it was played by, or on what board surface. But based on those limited findings someone still created these made up history claims.

Promoting such things under false pretext is also a very unethical way to get children involved in it. Maybe , if they weren't told the lies about Tavreli, they may have picked standard chess, or another activity to spend their valuable time in childhood. Maybe some of them could have become very good chess players, but it will be too late after they already spent their free time on this game.