Numerology Life Number 4: Personality Prediction By Expert

If your birth date sums up to number 4, Lord Rahu is your ruling planet. Each life number according to numerology is ruled by a planet and it further impacts the overall personality of the individual. Here, read your detailed personality prediction by our numerologist. 

Tanya Malik
life number  personality prediction

If your birth date sums up to number four then four is your life number according to numerology. For instance, if your birthday falls on the 13th of any month, your life number is four (1+3). In this new series, we have been bringing you detailed numerology predictions for numbers one to nine, and this time, it is time to unveil some common personality traits and forecast for life number four. Here, read your numerology prediction by numerologist Gaurav Geete.

Life Number 4 - Common Personality Traits

  • You like to take your route when it comes to making decisions.
  • When it comes to finances, you are a spendthrift. Even if you wish to control your expenses, you end up spending more, eventually losing a lot of your savings.
  • You like stability and discipline.
  • You trust people quickly and get cheated on, later. You always fail to understand people and this is why you end up getting hurt by those you love.
  • You like to take up responsibilities and don't hesitate even if it requires a lot of effort. You are always there for others and people adore you for your helping nature.
  • Even though there are people around you, you consider yourselves alone.
  • It is your grit and determination that always makes you stand out.

Life Number 4 - Love Life

If you are a woman, you are likely to be the dominant partner in a relationship. Overall, things are always smooth for you on the relationship front. You have a happy and romantic love life. Even though you don't have a lot of friends because of your personality, you love being with your partner. It is your loyalty that makes you special. You are selfless, and giving and this is why your partner always feels safe with you.

life number  numerology prediction future

Your love towards your partner is unconditional. You are always there for your better half in every circumstance. You might not realise it but you are your partner's biggest source of inspiration. These traits of yours make you the best partner one could ever ask for and this is one reason why you never get betrayed in relationships.

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Life Number 4 - Compatibility

Even though your personality traits make you special, they aren't liked by everyone. Thus, at times, it can be difficult for you to meet your soulmate, someone who accepts you as you are.

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As per our numerology expert, life numbers 4,7, and 8 are the best match for you. You should avoid getting into a relationship with life number 3.

life number  numerology prediction by expert

To make your marriage go smoothly and prevent any troubles in your relationship, you should take out time for your partner. You are a workaholic and like following your everyday routine and amidst this, you don't get enough time to spend with your partner. This often turns out to be an issue in your relationship.

Remedy For Life Number 4

Our numerologist suggested chanting Lord Rahu's Beej Mantra - Om Bhraam Bhraam Bhraam Sah Rahave Namah every day, 108 times for a happy and prosperous life.
