t.A.T.u singer Yulia Volkova, who famously used to kiss her female bandmate during performances, has said she would ‘condemn’ her son for being gay.

Her surprising homophobic comments were recorded during a Russian TV show, Lie Detector and translated into English.

When asked how she would react if her son came out, she is translated as saying: “Yes, I would condemn him, because I believe that a real man must be a real man.

All The Things She Said caused controversy (
Camera Press)

“God created man for procreation, it is the nature. The man for me is the support, the strength of… I won’t accept a gay son.”

She went on to try and justify her opinion and is reported as saying: “And a man has no right to be a f*g. Two girls together – not the same thing as the two men together. It seems to me that lesbians look aesthetically much nicer than two men holding their hands or kissing.”

Yes this is coming from the lady who used to pretend to be lesbian with her bandmate Lena Katina when they released All the Things She Said in 2002.

Wait, there’s more.

t.A.T.u. perform during the Opening Ceremony of the Sochi Winter Olympics in 2012

Yulia then continues trying to dig herself out of the whole, adding: “I have many gay friends. I believe that being gay is all still better than murderers, thieves or drug addicts. If you choose out of all this, being gay is a little better than the rest.”

Oh wow.

It’s all rather confusing though because as little as two years ago she is reported as saying in interview with MK that she was bisexual.

We're not sure she's matured really (
Camera Press)

She said: "I still like boys and girls. Even my current husband Volodya, sitting in front of me would confirm that he knows about my stories with the girls.

“For me, this is a current issue. Quite recently, I had a girl friend that I liked ... This is not even the echoes of the past, this is what I now live in...”

Fortunately most of you probably don’t speak Russian so won’t have to sit and listen to the excruciating video below, but you could turn on the subtitles if you must.

It's thought the game show, Lie Detector, is the Russian equivalent of the US show The Moment of Truth. The premise of the show is the contestant takes a lie detector test, known as a polygraph and answer a number of questions which they are then asked again in front of a studio audience.

They need to answer the questions honestly in order to proceed with the game.

Yeah, we know, crazy right?