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И.В.Сталин и Г.Л.Пятаков в президиуме Всесоюзного совещания трактористов в Кремле. Дата съемки: декабрь 1935 Ww2, People, Revolutionaries, History, Revolutionary Leaders, Leader, Great Leaders, History Facts, World War Ii
И.В.Сталин и Г.Л.Пятаков в президиуме Всесоюзного совещания трактористов в Кремле. Дата съемки: декабрь 1935
DSCN5846 Wood Carving, Gothic, Architecture, Ornament, Vintage, Design, Art, Detail, Column
Acánthus – 112 photos
Acánthus – 112 photos
Black and white architectural photography Fine Art Photography, Art Nouveau, Art Deco, Grisaille, Architectural Elements, Architecture Details, Architecture Photography
Photography | Ellen Fisch Photography
Black and white architectural photography
Викторианский лиственный орнамент.. Обсуждение на LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников Statue, Art Drawings, Draw, Romanesque, Drawings, Humanoid Sketch
Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников
Викторианский лиственный орнамент.. Обсуждение на LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников
Barcelona, Decoration, Classic, Molde
Cardedeu - Teresa Oller 010 d
Inspiration, Antiques, Architecture Drawing, Vintage World Maps
Celtic Art, Cruz, Kunst, Cristo, Byzantine Icons, Byzantine Art, Art Icon
Harry Potter, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph, Joseph Stalin, Communism, Ussr, Saddam Hussein, African
Joseph Stalin
Our mission statement is to address and provide all types of Marxist based content and facilitate... Historical Pictures, World Leaders, Soviet Union, Iraqi Army
Our mission statement is to address and provide all types of Marxist based content and facilitate...
Science Fiction, Presidents, Vladimir Putin, History Memes, Conceptual, 60s Art
Stef@n Nit0l0wski on X
Rare Photos, War, Resim, Fotos, Historia, Fotografia, Poster
Покушение на «отца народов»
☭⚑✭The Soviet Broadcast✭⚑☭ Types Of Jackets, Style Guides, Marxist, Old Pictures, Back In The Ussr, Soviet
☭⚑✭The Soviet Broadcast✭⚑☭