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Money laundering – fulis gaTeTreba/ legalizeba; is the crime of processing stolen money through
a legitimate business or sending it abroad to a foreign bank, to hide the fact that the money was
illegally obtained.
Megabyte money – money which is moved by computer; cashless transactions, electronic
trading & computerized clearing
Crooked – dishonest or illegal
Undercover – secret, covert. saidumlo.
Suspects were lured – eWvmitanilebi miityues; tempt (a person or animal) to do something or to
go somewhere,
Alleged members – eWvmitanili wevrebi; presumed; suspected
alleged - said, without proof, to have taken place or to have a specified illegal or undesirable quality
the alleged conspirators
Cartel = [kärˈtel] an association of manufacturers or suppliers with the purpose of
maintaining prices at a high level and restricting competition;
Seizure warrant – konfiskaciis orderi
Seized – amoRebuli; take possession of (something) by warrant or legal right
To strike a blow – dartymis miyeneba; hit hard; attack
Gloomy perspective – pirquSi perspeqtiva
Americas [əˈmerikəz] (the Americas) another name for America
To edit a report – moxsenebis redaqtireba, dasabeWdad momzadeba; get it ready to publish
Conservative estimate - (of an estimate) purposely low for the sake of caution ufro
naklebis Cveneba sifrTxilis gamo
To recover money – fulis amoReba; find or regain possession of (something stolen or lost)
Vintage year - baraqiani, saukeTeso (vintage car – klasikuri manqana)
Ill-gotten = obtained dishonestly or illegally;
Cashless - characterized by the exchange of funds by cheque, debit or credit card, or
electronic methods rather than the use of cash
Works without using coins or banknotes for money transactions but instead using credit
cards or electronic transfer of funds; unaRdo
clearing (a check) = processing checks so that funds are deducted from the payer’s
account and put into the payee’s account
a clearing bank a bank that is one of the network banks that accepts and clears checks
and passes them through the banking system
wire transfers – bank- to-bank transfer, eleqtronuli gadaricxva
volume of transactions – moculoba (gadaricxvebis) The volume of something is the amount of
it that there is.
aggregate – whole, combined, collected, total
complicity – involvement with other people in an illegal activity or plan.
loan settlement – sesxebis gadaxda; debt arbitration, debt negotiation or credit settlement; the
amount and frequency of the loan repayment installments
to ensure - make certain that (a problem) does not occur;
law enforcement officers – kanonis aRmasrulebeli oficrebi;  (LEO) or peace officer, in North
American English, is a public-sector employee whose duties primarily involve the enforcement of
criminal justice system - the system of law enforcement that is directly involved in
apprehending, prosecuting, defending, sentencing, and incarcerating those who are
suspected of or have been charged with criminal offenses
to have smth. on one’s side - raime upiratesobis qona; to have priority
lax – careless daudevari, susti
to disguise – SeniRbva ; gadacma; a means of altering one's appearance to conceal one's identity;
the concealing of one's true intentions or feelings
shell company – shell corporation, a company that is used to hide criminal activities such as
passing profits from criminal activities into normal banking system
trust company – a company that invests peoples’ money for them; a company that acts as a
Offshore trusts - in tax havens are used for offshore asset protection; and when an
offshore trust is used with an offshore company the offshore trust is useful.
Beneficiary – person who derives advantage from something, especially a trust, will, or life
insurance policy
Walking account – account that can easily be moved if needed
Standing – ucvleli, mudmivi; remaining in force or use; permanent he has a standing invitation to
visit them | a standing army
Infiltration – to gain access surreptitiously
Illicit - forbidden by law, rules, or custom; illegal
Due diligence – kompaniis finansuri mdgomareobis saimedoobis Semowmeba; Law reasonable steps
taken by a person in order to satisfy a legal requirement, esp. in buying or selling something
In bulk, bulk cash – didi raodenobiT; in large quantities (and generally at a reduced price)
Gambling chips – Jetoni; Casino token are small discs used in lieu of currency in casinos.

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