Vitrii Engineering Consultants

Flexible, On-Demand Expertise for Start-ups, Growth Companies and Inventors

Medical and dental device development, industrial automation, intellectual property creation and quality management systems

We are a team of experienced professionals who have started companies from zero, grown companies to the point where they could be acquired by industry leaders and developed breakthrough technologies in dental imaging, 3D software systems, CAD/CAM, robotics and medical devices. Along the way we have learned many lessons on how to create minimally viable products to significantly decrease each stage of the development process while ensuring that regulatory requirements are met.

We understand the importance of lean management and the difficulty of creating complex systems and devices when the company can’t afford full-time experts in key areas. We founded Vitrii to assist technical and quality teams ing developing new products, solving manufacturing challenges and building quality systems that conform to CE and FDA requirements for medical devices and CE and UL requirements for electronics.

What We Can Do For You

Let us help you get from ideation to commercialization.

  • Create commercialization roadmap and identify regulatory hurdles

  • Identify key technologies needed for prototype production and commercialization

  • Computer Aided Design and Rapid Prototyping

  • Materials development

  • Test planning and execution

  • Create an intellectual property strategy to protect your ideas

  • Analyze competitive technologies and IP portfolios

  • Due diligence for M&A transactions

  • IP portfolio analysis, litigation support and strategies for for law firms

  • Build Quality Management Systems

  • Develop Document Management and Control Systems for optimal traceability

  • Messaging strategies for investors and key stakeholders in the business

An expert is a person who has found out by his own painful experience all the mistakes that one can make in a very narrow field.”

Niels Henrik David Bohr, Nobel Prize 1922 in Physics

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Dipl.-Ing. Ruedger Rubbert

Ruedger Rubbert founded Vitrii after spending three decades inventing and commercializing software and healthcare technologies. Ruedger is listed as an inventor on over 100 software and medical device patents in the U.S. and the European Union. He has founded four medical device companies including OraMetrix, acquired by Dentsply Sirona (NYSE:XRAY) and Lingualcare, acquired by 3M Company (NYSE:MMM).

Ruedger leads a team of experienced engineers, CAD/CAM and medical device experts and quality system consultants.

“I know how hard it is for small companies to solve complex problems and compete with big companies that have much larger budgets. We bring critical expertise to supplement small teams in every stage of the commercialization process.”


Don’t Shoulder the Burden Alone

Let the experts at Vitrii help move your product development and commercialization projects forward. We can assist you at every step. We engage on a long-term and short-term basis and bring our dedication, battle scars and knowledge of the U.S and EU regulatory environment to every client, large and small.

We get it!

The Vitrii team has experienced the challenges of developing complex products on small budgets while managing cross-border commercialization issues. Whether you are an early stage company or a larger company looking to expand product lines and markets, Vitrii can help.

Contact us today to see if we can tailor a solution that meets your company’s unique needs.