bibliogroup:"Boethius, "De consolatione philosophiae"" from
... de studiis Boethianis optime meritus . Rand ( E. K. ) : On the Composition of Boethius ' Consolatio Philosophiae . Harvard Studies in Classical Philology , Harvard Univ . , Cam- bridge , Mass . , U.S.A. ( Longmans ) , vol . xv , 1904 ...
bibliogroup:"Boethius, "De consolatione philosophiae"" from
This new edition is the first to present the second prose-and-verse version of the Old English text, and allows it to be read alongside the original prose version, for which this is the first edition for over a century, and the introduction ...
bibliogroup:"Boethius, "De consolatione philosophiae"" from
This new edition is the first to present the second prose-and-verse version of the Old English text, and allows it to be read alongside the original prose version, for which this is the first edition for over a century, and the introduction ...
bibliogroup:"Boethius, "De consolatione philosophiae"" from
... de phylosophye . Brugge , Colard Mansion , 1477 . B02 , P01 , B75 , G01 , M18 , O01 , V07 . 5351 FB 6236 . 5339 Boethius , Anicius Manlius Severinus . H04 . De ... De consolatione philosophiae. 238 BOETHIUS , ANICIUS MANLIUS SEVERINUS.
bibliogroup:"Boethius, "De consolatione philosophiae"" from
... de la Consolatio Philosophiae de Boèce , Histoire littéraire de la France 37 , 1938 , 419–488 ; A. VAN DE VYVER , Les traductions du De consolatione philosophiae de Boèce en littérature comparée , H & R 6 , 1939 , 247-273.— For the ...
bibliogroup:"Boethius, "De consolatione philosophiae"" from
... de la Consolation du Boëce conservées à la Bibliothèque Nationale” [Bibliothèque de l'École des Chartes, vol. 34], by Leopold Delisle. Romania 2 (1873): 271–3. ----------, ed. Recueil d'anciens ... Consolatio Philosophiae des Boethius.
bibliogroup:"Boethius, "De consolatione philosophiae"" from
... De sancta trinitate, Boethius: De consolatione philosophiae; Opuscula theologica, ed. Claudio Moreschini (Munich, 2000; 2nd ed., 2005), pp. 165–81. Utrum Pater et Filius et Spiritus Sanctus de divinitate substantialiter praedicentur ...
bibliogroup:"Boethius, "De consolatione philosophiae"" from
... De consolatione philosophiae . De disciplina scholarium . Toulouse , Johannes Parix , 1482. 20. C96 , L10 , Z03 . GW 4532 ; ISTC . 6238 Boethius , Anicius Manlius Severinus . Meung , Jean de ( tr . ) . De consolatione philosophiae ...
bibliogroup:"Boethius, "De consolatione philosophiae"" from
... De Consolatione Philosophiae [ De Consolatione Philosophiae ] in M. McGhee ( ed . ) Philosophy , Religion , and the Spiritual Life ( Cambridge : Cambridge University Press ) : 31-45 ; Jones , J. D. ( 1983 ) ' Does Philosophy Console ...