Jakob Abbadie also known as Jacques or James Abbadie, was a French Protestant minister and writer. He became Dean of Killaloe, in Ireland. Jakob Abbadie.
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Jakob Abbadie
French minister and writer
Jakob Abbadie, also known as Jacques or James Abbadie, was a French Protestant minister and writer. He became Dean of Killaloe, in Ireland. Wikipedia
Born: May 3, 1654, Nay, France
Died: September 25, 1727 (age 73 years), Marylebone, London, United Kingdom
Education: Academy of Saumur
L' Art de Se Connaître Soi-Même... Jacques Abbadie - Primary Source Edition
A Vindication of the Truth of Christian Religion Against the Objections of All Modern Opposers
The Accomplishment of Prophecy in the Character and Conduct of Jesus Christ, from the Impressive Treatise on the Truth of the Christian Religion. [Edited by H. J. Todd.]
A Sovereign Antidote Against Arian Poyson: Or, The Divinity of Our Blessed Saviour Asserted and Plainly Prov'd ... In Full Answer to Dr Clarke, Mr Whiston, Mr Emlyn and the Rest of Their Adherents. By James Abbadie, D.D. ...
The Great and Stupendious Mystery of Man's Salvation by Jesus Christ, Asserted and Defended: In Proving from the Old and New Testaments, ... that He is God Coeternal with the Father ...
Chemical Change in the Eucharist: In Four Letters Shewing the Relations of Faith to Sense
$15 to $40 Free 5–8 day delivery over $15
Looking for books by Jacques Abbadie? See all books authored by Jacques Abbadie, including Les Droits De Dieu: De La Nature Et Des Gens (1775), ...
La Science Du Chrétien: Sermon (Religion) (French Edition). French Edition | by Jacques Abbadie.
(1654?–1727), Huguenot pastor in Berlin and London (1680–1699), dean of Killaloe in Ireland (1699–1727), acclaimed preacher and apologist for the Christian ...
266 free public domain works of Jacques Abbadie via Post-Reformation Digital Library (PRDL), a database of digital books ca. 1500-1800.
Abbadie, Jacques (James) (1654?–1727), huguenot dean of Killaloe, preacher, and apologist of the Christian religion, was born in Nay in Béarn, France.
Chemical Change in the Eucharist. In four letters shewing the relations of faith to sense, from the French of Jacques Abbadie, by John W. Hamesley.
$14 to $24 Free 14–30 day delivery
Jacques Abbadie (417 results) ; Sermon Sur Ces Paroles de l'Apocalypse, Ch. XIV, V. 13: : Prononc�... Abbadie, Jacques. ISBN 13: 9782012845282 · US$ 17.24.
all Christian apologists in that Enlightened age: he is at once admired, imitated, ridiculed, and dimissed.1 To those who share his views, such as the Abbe ...