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Nov 1, 2012 · In the film The King's Speech, the credibility of the king's speech clinician, Lionel Logue, is challenged. This article examines Logue's ...
May 7, 2017 · A great deal of research over the past two decades has foregrounded (a) important limitations and critiques of both Hall and Hofstede coupled ...
Aug 11, 2023 · Kennedy, “'Cash for His Turnups': Agricultural Production for Local Markets in Colonial. Pennsylvania, 1725-1783,” Agricultural history 74 ...
My study examines four African American-authored narratives written between 1793 and 1901 (Richard Allen and Absalom Jones' Narratives of the Proceedings of ...
The New Jersey Literary Hall of Fame includes technical writers (Pristin, 1995). It was started by Herman A. Estrin, the now-deceased English professor at ...
Living in a Connected World The current, editable version of this book is available in Wikibooks, the open-content textbooks collection.
The NEYM Quaker Indian Boarding School Research Group1 (QIBS) requests your close attention to the following report on the participation of New England ...
Deal, T., & Kennedy, A. (1983). Culture: A new look through old lenses. Journal of Applied. Behavorial Science, 19(4), 498-505. doi: 10.1177/002188638301900411.
Orangemen went back to their Hall, raised their yellow flag, and had another meeting. ... Kennedy and sports columnist 'Fiddler' MacDonald, and concluded ...
PDF | My chapter is called "Narrative Foundations: Operational Advisor's Edition" and it starts on page 55. Entire paper Abstract: “Information”.