After an introduction to multi-scale approaches outlining the need for and benefits of their use, the book goes on to explore a range of useful techniques and research areas, and their potential applications to this process.
Through an examination of these art-based texts, readers will come to appreciate educational practices in deeper and more meaningful ways."--publisher.
This is a selection of essays published in collaboration with the National AIDS Campaign, and in association with the largest exhibition on the subject of HIV/AIDS to be staged in Australia.
Transforming Our Practices addresses these questions through a blend of voices and experiences, creating a resource that has not been present in the field of art education.
This work stems from an international conference at the Institute of Contemporary Arts in London, in collaboation with the Terrence Higgins Trust in March 1996.
And what of the work of artists based in these cities -- artists like Akinbode Akinbiyi, Jane Alexander, Luis Basto, Willie Bester, Sokari Douglas Camp, Calvin Dondo, Godfried Donkor, Kan-Si, Bodys Isek Kingelez, Samuel Fosso, Moshekwa ...