Hi! You can call me James! I'm a Hispanic Los Angeles based composer and Writer. I did a lot of the soundtrack and sound design for the game Hiveswap.
hello i switched over to https://jamesroach.tumblr.com/. 2 notes. Join over 100 million people using Tumblr to find their communities and make friends.
40. House in Belgium by Atelier Vens Vanbelle. Photos: Tim van der Velde. via. reblog like 25. Three Piece House in Stockton, Australia by TRIAS Architects.
have a goode day — "old secret" by james roach
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May 26, 2024 · old secret” by james roachrecently appreciating this smol seer of heart, she has to make it to hiveswap act 3 she knows too much about this ...
Apr 11, 2020 · An unofficial resource of everything official we've heard about the game and it's development. This is not a theory blog. I will not post/reblog ...
Apr 11, 2020 · James Roach on Twitter: “looking through files and realized this song is nearly 20 years old. keep all the songs you write as a teenager ...
Oct 16, 2023 · Sometimes the people just want to know that we are still doing anything. Fair enough. - James Roach, giving the fandom what it's always wanted.
asked: James Roach said that Hussie told him he'd be a page or heir of light. What do you think the implications of that are?