bibliogroup:"American history leaflets; colonial and constitutional" from
Designed to promote the scientific method of studying history from its documents.
bibliogroup:"American history leaflets; colonial and constitutional" from
CONTENTS.--[v. 1] no. 1. The letter of Columbus to Luis de Sant Angel, announcing his discovery, with extracts from his journal.--no. 2. The Ostend manifesto, 1854.--no. 3.
bibliogroup:"American history leaflets; colonial and constitutional" from
CONTENTS.--[v. 1] no. 1. The letter of Columbus to Luis de Sant Angel, announcing his discovery, with extracts from his journal.--no. 2. The Ostend manifesto, 1854.--no. 3.
bibliogroup:"American history leaflets; colonial and constitutional" from
CONTENTS.--[v. 1] no. 1. The letter of Columbus to Luis de Sant Angel, announcing his discovery, with extracts from his journal.--no. 2. The Ostend manifesto, 1854.--no. 3.