How to Write a Book ASAP Workbook: The Step-by-Step Guide to Writing Your First Book Fast! [Book]
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: Paperback
: Non-fiction
: Language Arts
Teaching Books
: Workbook
: Garrett Pierson
This workbook accompanies Garrett Pierson's book "How To Write A Book ASAP". Have you ever wanted to write a book? Have you started to write your book, but weren't able to finish it? Are you ready to become a published author? Discover inside secrets to writing and publishing a book fast. It doesn't matter if you want to write a novel or a non-fiction book: Garrett Pierson's tools and strategies will guide you step-by-step. There are many mind-boggling and complicated ways of writing a book at our disposal. This is not one of those. In fact, this book is perfect for someone who wants a simple, flexible and streamlined approach to start, write and complete a book fast. This is not a get rich quick book, nor is it a book that guarantees your success. That is up to you. I can't write your book for you. This workbook is for those of us who want to write regardless of what others say about our ability to write. It is for those of us who want a step-by-step guide to the process and strategies to finishing a book. The book is specially formulated to be a tool to support your success. If you want to avoid mistakes and prevent costly pitfalls, whether those pitfalls be measured in time and/or money wasted, then this book is for you. This book is all about achieving real and practical writing results. You will only become a writer/author through the act of writing. This is your golden opportunity to stop talking about writing a book and actually do it. Only when your book is finished will you truly understand the authority and respect authorship demands and how the title of "author' can open up new channels of achievement and profit. More than most people, I understand your concerns, anxieties and questions when it comes to writing. I've been where you are and know how to overcome the roadblocks you undoubtedly will encounter. That's why I wrote this book. To help guide you towards the finish line so that you can proudly hold your own book in your hands. Here is what you can expect to learn while reading using this workbook: -All the right ingredients to get started -Why you shouldn't start writing until you're ready -Detailed strategies to organization and self-control -A crash course in the basic writing process -Rewarding yourself by shifting your mindset -Clear steps to finishing your book fast and staying laser focused -Traditional publishing vs. self-publishing and what is right for you -How to become the authority in your market when your book is finished -Plus much more Don't delay! You've waited long enough. Let's get started, you'll be glad you did!
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