: Nathaniel Jeanson
: New Leaf Publishing Group, sound recording
The fascinating research presented in Traced has additional far-reaching consequences for numerous contemporary debates:Race: Traced shows that the races have changed multiple times in human history. Thus, "white", "black", "Asian" and other common descriptors lose their meaning in light of modern genetics. - Prehistory: Traced reveals that today's Native Americans were not the first but replaced earlier inhabitants whose genealogical origins remain unknown. - History and origin of minority groups: The genetics in Traced restores the indigenous histories to many obscure people groups and connects them back to specific ancestors in Genesis 10. The age of the earth: Traced represents one of the strongest arguments in print for the recent origin of humanity. - Biblical authority: Historically, young-earth creationists have sought to defend biblical authority from scientific attacks; Traced puts biblical authority on offense. - Dive into the wild and emerging field of historical genetics and see how these recent discoveries on the fate of ancient civilizations end up uncovering the story of the whole world. Traced: Human DNA's Big Surprise will inspire, not only budding historians, archaeologists, geneticists, linguists, and anthropologists, but anyone interested the marvelous and messy story of humankind.