: Family Relationship
: Henry Cloud, John Townsend
: Zondervan, paperback
No one has influenced the person you are today like your mother. The way she handled your needs as a child has shaped your worldview, your relationships, your marriage, your career, your self-image - your life. Our Mothers, Ourselves can help you identify areas that need reshaping, to make positive choices for personal change, and to establish a mature relationship with Mom today. - The Phantom Mom - The China Doll Mom - The Controlling Mom - The Trophy Mom - The Still-the-Boss Mom - The American Express Mom - You'll learn how your mom affected you as a child and may still be affecting you today. Our Mothers, Ourselves is a biblical, realistic, and empowering route to wholeness and growth, to deeper and more satisfying bonds with your family, friends, and spouse - and to a new, healthier way of relating to your mother. - This book was previously titled The Mom Factor.