Novel Plotting: Step-By-Step - 2 Manuscripts in 1 Book - Essential Fiction Plotting, Plot Outline and Novel Plot Writing Tricks Any Writer Can Learn [Book]
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Arrives Jan 19โ€‰โ€“โ€‰22
: Paperback
: Non-fiction
: Language Arts
: Sandy Marsh
: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, paperback
2 Manuscripts in 1 Book, Including: How to Write a Screenplay and Plotting! Book 1) How to Write a Screenplay: Step-by-Step - Essential Screenplay Format, Scriptwriter and Modern Screenplay Writing Tricks Any Writer Can Learn - Behind-the-Scenes Secrets to Publishing Screenplays - Whether you've got a completed script, or need help off the starting-blocks, getting a Screenplay formatted correctly to catch the eye of producers is no easy task. A little, professional advice goes a long way, and How to Write a Screenplay delivers large, for those with big screen aspirations! Top Writing Tricks You Didn't Know - for TV & Film - When writing for the movies, TV, video or computer games, there are essential elements you must get right to show professional competence, and avoid looking like an amateur. Marsh not only provides the answers but presents them in an easy to understand way that can be read in under a day to bring game-changing results fast. By explaining the best formatting requirements for each genre, Marsh unveils the blueprints that experts use for Feature film and Television dramas & sitcoms. She examines the best ways to edit-on-a-budget and the 6 Tips for Success that can turn your script into must-have property. - Your 'Why' for Writing, Will Also Be Their 'Why' for Reading - Are you struggling to take your story to the next level? Would you like to know the best ways to create intrigue and have your readers rave about your book? Plotting is a step-by-step guide that takes you through the process of developing compelling plots from beginning to end. With tips and tricks taken straight from professional writers, the novelist will learn how to use plotlines for maximum effect, while retaining creative freedom. Making Conflict Real - Plotting helps the author weave suspense through improved conflict-writing, centered around a developing plot. Characters are challenged, affected and emerge changed in ways that infuse emotions in your readers, so that they cannot help but be personally invested in the welfare of your protagonist. Marsh explains in concise straightforward language and with clear examples, the benefits of knowing where you are going with your novel; where the plotline starts (exposition) to how it ends (resolution) and how working with an overview, helps to captivate readers in terms of the lessons learned and the experience of life through the eyes of your characters. You have made an excellent decision by choosing to learn more about screenplay plotting. So, don't delay it any longer. Take this opportunity and purchase your copy today. Order "Screenplay Plotting" Now!
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